A perspective on Peirce College and its relationship-oriented approach to students

A perspective on Peirce College and its relationship-oriented approach to students

As a new era begins at Peirce College, it is extremely important that we uphold tradition while stimulating change in the best interest of the institution and the students and graduates we serve.

During the College’s 144-year history, each era has advanced the institution. From expanding our curriculum to meet the changing needs of the workforce, to providing better access, convenience, and flexibility for adult learners through online courses, new initiatives have enhanced the College’s ability to embrace more students with its practical, career-oriented programs.

Communicating with members of the Peirce community is clearly one of the highlights of my new role. These encounters provide valuable insight into the importance of Peirce’s relationship-oriented approach — both inside and outside the classroom — in helping students achieve their educational and career goals. Speaking with students firsthand gives me an extraordinary appreciation for their strong commitment to learning and dedication to their studies. This has inspired me to find new outlets for communicating with Peirce stakeholders, including through this blog.

Going forward, readers of this blog will gain insight into Peirce College at every level. Faculty, staff, administrators, students, and others will contribute to explore the challenges, successes, and observations on higher education and the marketplaces we serve, including the greater Philadelphia region. For my part, I’ll be sharing thoughts and observations, including communicating our strategic direction, and perspectives on how Peirce College truly empowers people to change their lives, achieve more, and reach their full potential.

I look forward to communicating with you, and invite you to join the conversation here.

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