Author: peirceblog

Alumni open house reconnects Peirce to its graduates

The Peirce College alumni open house on November 19 was very well attended. It was great to host so many graduates and hear about their Peirce and life experiences. Although we communicate with alumni on a regular basis (including through our newsletter, Peirce Perspectives), there is nothing better than getting together face-to-face to fortify our […]

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Helpful online security tips for the holiday season

Over the years, I’ve been asked by students and staff about the safety of online holiday shopping. This is no surprise, considering the 24/7 convenience it offers those of us who work full-time or are focused on completing the semester and attending classes. And for those of us who are already online taking classes. As […]

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Happy holidays to the Peirce College community

The approaching holiday season provides a strong reminder of the great community of alumni, students, faculty, staff, and administrators we have at Peirce College. It’s important at this time of year that we recognize the special bond the College provides us, and give thanks for being part of each others’ lives. This is a most […]

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Hired: Real-world benefits of continuing education

The stories and feedback we get from students are easily one of our greatest motivators as educators. My colleague Cynthia Gentile, a professor in our Paralegal Studies program, shared with me a note she recently received from one of her students. Cynthia is extremely excited for this student (as we all are)! Truth is, so […]

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