The UPCEA names Peirce’s Dr. Cathy Littlefield Outstanding Continuing Educator New to the Field

The UPCEA names Peirce’s Dr. Cathy Littlefield Outstanding Continuing Educator New to the Field

ADULT EDUCATION: Many thanks to the UPCEA for
this honor!

The UPCEA (University Professional & Continuing Education Association) is a leading association for supporting educators who serve adult learners. It holds nationwide conferences and offers other support services to ensure faculty members at colleges and universities such as Peirce are prepared with the skills necessary to support their adult students.

It also recognizes accomplishments of educators in the industry, and I was extremely honored when a professional colleague, Karen Chiarini, nominated me for UPCEA’s Outstanding Continuing Educator New to the Field award this year. And I was even more honored when I learned that I had been selected!

As I sat at the awards luncheon on Oct. 10, I couldn’t help but reflect on how I got there. About 20 years ago, it became clear to me that I belonged in higher education. But I also knew it was important to bring more to the classroom than just a few college degrees.

Nearly eight years ago, I enrolled in a higher ed doctoral program, and as a seasoned business professional, I began to transition my career and achieve that dream. After immersing myself as an adjunct instructor six years ago, completing my doctorate, and now working full-time in higher education, I found the award ceremony very humbling, but extremely rewarding.

The recognition of UPCEA validated my decision to not only transition careers, but also confirmed that I am in fact in the right place, doing the right thing, and I wouldn’t change a thing. There are so many worthy education professionals, and I am thrilled to be considered in their company.
Many thanks to the UPCEA for its recognition!

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