The importance of internships in career development (and an opportunity for Peirce students)

The importance of internships in career development (and an opportunity for Peirce students)

A recent letter we received from the Office of Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter regarding upcoming internship opportunities for college students has me thinking. Specifically, thinking about how important internships are to students and job seekers right now.

I’ll detail the opportunity shortly, but first a few thoughts on internships, and why any continuing education or higher education student should be considering one or more.

It’s no secret that the current job market is not only competitive, it’s also very crowded.

With the national unemployment rate hovering around 10 percent, a successful job search means standing out to potential employers. Not surprisingly, degrees and certifications play a crucial role in helping job candidates appeal to employers, compete with peers, and, ultimately, secure new jobs over the course of their careers.

But one often overlooked element that stands out to an interviewer or HR department is internship experience. For a student that might be pursuing a completely new career path, an internship can help:

  • Acquire valuable experience in a new field
  • Gain insight into a chosen career field 
  • Help overcome a lack of relevant job experience
  • Stand out to a potential employer

Now, back to the opportunity!

As I mentioned, Mayor Nutter’s Office contacted us about, among other things, upcoming internship opportunities in the Mayor’s Office. Peirce President James J. Mergiotti was advised of this and shared the letter with me.

The Mayor’s Office has, “created a unique internship experience for college graduates.” They are looking to fill an intern-level position that will work in the executive-level offices in City Hall.

The graduate selected will serve four, one-week terms in each office (unpaid). This opportunity will provide valuable insight into how government functions and will underscore its impact on our community.

Most importantly, it will give the candidate a major leg up on the competition with a line in their resume that would stand out to any employer. Or, as the letter points out, the internship “provides unprecedented experience working with senior-level executives in city government.”

This is truly a special opportunity for any student, and one we want to encourage each and every interested and eligible Peirce student to apply for today!

Interested students should apply for the internship by forwarding a cover letter, resume, and names of three references to Stephanie Tipton, Co-Director, Office of Leadership Investment.

You can apply directly to Ms. Tipton at the e-mail address above, but we also encourage students to reach out to the Career Development Services team. Call us at 888.GO.PEIRCE, ext. 9202, or e-mail CDS for help preparing your submission materials.

Program details can be also be found in this online form.

And of course, we can always talk with you about other internship opportunities and how to stand head and shoulders above your competition in the job market.

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