Crunching Numbers All the Way from CCP to Peirce – Meet Omaira Villanueva

Crunching Numbers All the Way from CCP to Peirce – Meet Omaira Villanueva

Current Peirce College Accounting student, Omaira Villanueva shares a similarity with many of her classmates; after her high school graduation in 1997, Omaira took a few years off to join the workforce.

Most of her employment was in the Financial Aid department at a local college, and though she enjoyed it, she knew that a college education would put her in the best position to climb the ladder at work and eventually land her ideal job. Her plan was put in to motion in 2013 when she enrolled at one of Peirce’s partner colleges, The Community College of Philadelphia (CCP), in the Accounting Program.

Fortunately for Omaira, she was able to apply her years of experience working in financial aid to a full-time position in CCP’s financial aid office, which forced her to attend class part-time due to working 40 hours per week. Working full-time at CCP while also attending classes at the college meant Omaira spent nearly all of her time at CCP, where she made many fond memories.

“I really enjoyed my time at CCP,” Omaira said. “I was thankful to be able to work there while I attended classes, and it ended up being a great choice for me since I was able to transfer all of my credits into Peirce’s Accounting program. A few of my friends had attended Peirce College and they all spoke very highly about it, so I enrolled right after I graduated from CCP.”

Omaira said she had a great feeling about Peirce College immediately upon her first visit to campus. She was also excited to find out that she could take all of her classes online, which has allowed her to continue to work full-time at CCP, now in the payroll department.

“It’s definitely challenging to work full-time and also attend classes as a full-time student, but the PeirceFit® format makes it possible,” explained Omaira. She said that she generally attends classes that she finds less difficult online, but that she likes to come to campus as much as possible for classes that are either in her major, or when a class is challenging.

Omaira currently carries a perfect 4.0 GPA at Peirce College and strives to graduate next year at the top of her class. She hopes to continue her education and earn her master’s degree to put her in the position to one day work in the field of forensic accounting.

When asked if she had any advice for working adults that might be considering a return to college, Omaira was passionate when she said, “You can’t listen to anyone that might hold you back or tell you things are fine the way they are. It’s best to find a support group that believes in you – so when times are tough and you may want to quit, you can get a pep talk to help you feel reenergized.”

Though she doesn’t have much spare time considering she works and attends college full-time, Omaira said she loves to travel (she’s recently visited The Dominican Republic, Canada, and Jamaica) and work out at the gym. She’s also a dog lover and enjoys spending time with her 11 year old Shih Tzu, Jayda.

Peirce College commends The Community College of Philadelphia for providing Omaira with a solid educational foundation, and wishes her the best of luck in all of her future endeavors!

If you or someone you know is looking to transfer to Peirce College, please contact me, Tom Tschop, Director, Strategic Partnerships & Institutional Enrollment, at 215.670.9203 or

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