About Career Bridge at Peirce College

Career Bridge prepares students with the skills, certifications and credentials needed for jobs that pay family-sustaining wages, and guides them to those jobs in less than a year.

Explore Our Current Career Tracks

Employer-recognized certifications are embedded into short, affordable Career Tracks to validate that you possess the skills and credentials employers want. You can also earn credit for professional and military training and skills gained through your job, which map to skills required for in-demand occupations that pay family-sustaining wages.

How It Works – in 5 Steps

You will work one-on-one with our counselors to complete the Career Bridge program in as little as six-to-nine months.

  • 1 Explore and navigate sustainable employment opportunities.
  • 2 Determine how your existing skills, training and prior learning map to skills required for sustainable occupations.
  • 3 Determine if you can earn credit for those skills via Peirce’s Prior Learning Assessment program.
  • 4 Identify and complete the training, certification and credentials you still need to attain the occupation.
  • 5 Connect you with employment opportunities in the region, and help you apply for jobs, prepare for interviews and leverage the College’s alumni network.


Take the Next Step! Visit the Career Bridge Portal 

You can see the credentials and skills required for in-demand jobs, find current job opportunities in our region and see any transfer credits you have apply to Peirce College programs.  Visit the portal. 

    Questions about corporate partnerships: 
    Contact Dr. Stephanie Gibbs-Emenaka at sgibbs-emenaka@peirce.edu or 215.670.9279. 

    Questions from individual learners:
    Contact LaKeesha Johnson at lrjohnson@peirce.edu or 215.670.9388.

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